Fitness for you

Based on the genetic information and current state of your body, we offer personalized exercise program such as PT, pilates, posture correction, etc.

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We offer various customized services


Genetic Testing

We provide you with your innate information about your health.


Health Screening

We provide you with your current state of health via various examination.


Personalized Solution

Via genetic testing and health screening, we provide exercise program personalized for you.


Contents of Examination

We offer various customized services

Genetic Testing

We provide you with your innate information about your health.


We provide you with your genetic characteristics about exercises and habits

My Gen Plan

Via combined analysis of genetic information and current state of health, we provide you personalized exercise, nutritious diet guide.

Telo Age

By measuring telomere, the cell health index, Plan your health future to age 100 by managing your biological age.



기초 운동과 식습관에 대한 유전적인 특성에 대한 정보를 제공합니다. 지구력, 유산소, 근력 기본적인 정보를 파악함으로써 건강 관리의 방향을 설정할 수 있습니다.



유전 정보와 현재의 건강 상태를 융합 분석하여 개인 맞춤형 운동, 영양, 식이요법 가이드를 제공합니다. 해마다 달라지는 건강 상태에 효과적으로 대처할 수 있습니다.



세포 건강지표인 텔로미어를 측정해 노화 속도와 변화를 파악하고 올바른 생활 습관과 노화 관리 가이드를 제시합니다. 생체 나이 관리로 100세까지 건강한 미래를 설계할 수 있습니다.

Current health screening

We provide you with your innate information about your health.

Self Physical examination

You can receive the basic physical examniation items through a simple measurment. You can make a healthy life style by putting into habit of checking the health on your own.

Body type examination

It is an examination of checking if there is any problem with 4 types of body type alignment. Just like the first button needs to be buttoned correctly, the body type must be aligned correctly in order to have effects accoring to the exercise.

ROM Examination

It is an examination of checking the operation range of the joint. A flexibility program is prescribed in accordance to one's body and surpervised by measureing the movement, active/passive flexability of the joint before the exercise and expediting the condition of the muscle.


셀프 건강 검진

기본적인 건강 검진 항목의 검사를 간편한 측정을 통해 받으실 수 있습니다. 스스로 건강을 체크하는 습관을 들여 건강한 라이프스타일을 만들어 갈 수 있습니다.


체형 검사

4가지 체형정렬에 문제가 있는지 확인하는 검사입니다. 첫 단추를 잘꿰매야 하듯이, 체형을 올바르게 정렬해야 운동에 따른 효과를 볼 수 있습니다.


ROM 검사

관절의 가동 범위를 측정하기 위한 검사입니다. 운동시작 전 관절의 움직임 능동적, 수동적 유연성 측정 및 근육의 상태를 촉진하여 개인에 맞는 유연성 프로그램을 처방하여 지도해 드립니다.



We offer various customized services


Telomere Anti-age PT

Anti-Aging secret that stops aging timer and change your life. Gene-based Anti-Aging Training for Lengthening Telomere

We conduct telomere genetic test before and after exercise, providing a solution optimized for anti-aging via exercise and nutrition prescription


My Gen Diet PT

Obesity Treatment Program Personalized with combined analysis of genetic information and current health state

Based on analysis result of obese body type genes, exercise-related genes, and diet-related genes, we offer a successful diet solution with exercise and nutrition prescription.

Additional Care

This program is offered to Fit Origin members for free.

Backbone/Deltoid Exercise

· Neck pain

Neck and Shoulder Pain, Forward Neck, Chronic Daily Headache

· Back pain

Chronic Backache Surgery and Endodontic Treatment followed by Rehalibration

· Spine Stabilization

Spine Stabilization Exercise

· Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Pain

· rotator cuff tear

Rotator cuff Tear

· calcific tendintis

Calcific Tendinitis

· ROM Exercise

Recovering the Range of Shoulder Joint Motion

posture correction

· Pelvic Alignment

Pelvis Alignment, Before and After Childbirth, Pelvic Rotation (Restoring Neutral Posture)

· Spinal Curvature

Scoliosis, Backbone Balance Exercise

· Round shoulder

Roach Back and Shoulder, Forward Neck, Turtle neck,


· Juvenile Scoliosis

Posture Cognition Training/Schroth/Sling

· Children/Teenage Growth

Growth Exercise, Posture Correction, Growth Plate Care

· Concentration Improvement

Chronic Headache, Forward Neck

· Teenage Obesity


· Full Myofascia Realease

Enhancing Flexibility of Whole Body

· Stress Relieve Program

Stress Relief

· Pain Control

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Relief

· Proprioception & Balance

Restoring Proprioceptive Sensation

New york traditional TL- PILATES

·  Power Pilates
·  Rehabitation Pilates
·  Corrective Pilates
·  Rehabitation Pilates
·  Movement Intelligence
·  1:1 or 2:1 lesson


We offer Welcome Kit to everyone participating EDGC Wellness Center Program. Keep your body and mind strong. Take care of your health with a tumbler of tea.


Center Introduction

EDGC Wellness Center provides facilities for your convenience

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